Integrations-TV, avsnitt 14, med somalisk undertext
Integration är som flervägstrafik och vi måste titta på det ur olika vinklar och perspektiv. Sverige är ett land känt för sin magnifika natur och invandrarna behöver lära sig att älska denna natur, som de gjorde i sitt ursprungsland innan de flyttade till Sverige. Till hjälp har vi bjudit in en fågelexpert från Braås, Per Ekerholm, naturvårdshandläggare, Länsstyrelsen i Kronobergs län, som kommer att tala om fåglar i detta program.
Integration is a multi-way traffic and we have to look at it from various angles and perspectives. Sweden is a country famous for its magnificient nature and the immigrants need to learn and love this nature much as they did in their country of origin before they moved to Sweden. In that case we have invited a bird expert in Braås, Per Ekerholm, nature conservation officer, admin board of Kronoberg county, who will talk about the birds in this program.
Integration is a multi-way traffic and we have to look at it from various angles and perspectives. Sweden is a country famous for its magnificient nature and the immigrants need to learn and love this nature much as they did in their country of origin before they moved to Sweden. In that case we have invited a bird expert in Braås, Per Ekerholm, nature conservation officer, admin board of Kronoberg county, who will talk about the birds in this program.
Abdi-Noor Mohamed
Per Ekerholm
Dennis Jönsson