ÖKV Play: Creativity and communication: Inspiration from research (Anne Bamford)

Creativity and communication: Inspiration from research

av: Linnéuniversitetet 13 år 8 månader sedan Programlängd: 1:13:06
It takes only 3 in 100 schools to start a change to lead to an educational reform. Yet is this happening positively or negatively? Increasingly there is a gap between the levels of creativity and innovation present in the society and the educational practices in schools.
This presentation draws on inspiration from the results of current research projects being conducted in Europe to represent a vision of the value of imagination, creativity and playfulness within learning. It is about holistic learning beyond boundaries and situated in rich learning environments, where there is space for dialogues and where the learners are protagonists. It is about careful listening, deep thinking, provocation and attention to the aesthetic dimensions of life.
Föredraget hålls på engelska och är från Ung Kommunikations slutkonferens "Då. Nu. Och sen då?" på Linnéuniversitetet, om hur digital teknik på olika sätt påverkar förutsättningar och former för lärande.
Anne Bamford är professor vid University of Arts London och internationellt uppmärksammad för sitt arbete med The Wow Factor.