Filmens Födelsedag 2022
Kom och fira Filmens Födelsedag med oss i en kavalkad av prisbelönta kortfilmer från Sveriges Kortfilmfestival och SM i Minutfilm 2022! Se tänkvärda, allvarliga, kärleksfulla och roliga filmer ur alla genrer. Kortaste filmen är 50 sekunder, den längsta 15 minuter och alla är engelsk-textade. Vi välkomnar alla kortfilmsentusiaster till en härlig filmstund.
Om Filmens Födelsedag
December 28, 1895, in front of a paying audience at the Grand Cafe in Paris, the brothers Lumières staged a twenty-minute program of ten films, including one of a train as it entered a station, moving straight towards the camera. The film created panic in the audience; several women are said to have fainted. The event has gone down in history as the first public cinema performance. Within five years of the invention of the cinematographe, during which time the Lumières promoted it throughout Europé, motion pictures were being made in every developed country in the world. The Lumières continued to innovate film technology. In Paris in 1900, they demonstrated their Photorama, which was a 360í panoramic projector. Thirty-five years later, they introduced their stereocine process, which was based on the principle of anaglyphics.
Sveriges Kortfilmfestival (SKFF) är landets äldsta filmfestival och arrangeras sedan 1957 av Sveriges Filmförbund som arbetar för mångfald, jämställdhet och en bred representation. Filmens Födelsedag är sedan flera år ett samarbete mellan Sveriges Filmförbund och LadyBug Festival.
Om Filmens Födelsedag
December 28, 1895, in front of a paying audience at the Grand Cafe in Paris, the brothers Lumières staged a twenty-minute program of ten films, including one of a train as it entered a station, moving straight towards the camera. The film created panic in the audience; several women are said to have fainted. The event has gone down in history as the first public cinema performance. Within five years of the invention of the cinematographe, during which time the Lumières promoted it throughout Europé, motion pictures were being made in every developed country in the world. The Lumières continued to innovate film technology. In Paris in 1900, they demonstrated their Photorama, which was a 360í panoramic projector. Thirty-five years later, they introduced their stereocine process, which was based on the principle of anaglyphics.
Sveriges Kortfilmfestival (SKFF) är landets äldsta filmfestival och arrangeras sedan 1957 av Sveriges Filmförbund som arbetar för mångfald, jämställdhet och en bred representation. Filmens Födelsedag är sedan flera år ett samarbete mellan Sveriges Filmförbund och LadyBug Festival.